durgol universal bio

  • Very fast operation
  • Safe, odorless and tasteless
  • Effective corrosion protection
  • Biodegradable > 99.5% in 18 days

Ecological bio-descaler
Durgol universal bio is an ecological quick descaler based on lactic acid for kitchen appliances, household items, surfaces and fixtures.

A combination of powerful action and minimal damage to the environment. The special formula guarantees efficient descaling and does not damage the material. We recommend using 125 ml universal bio for descaling filter machines and kettles. A kettle can simply be descaled cold! The product meets the criteria of “ready biodegradability” according to the OECD 301E guideline.

Suitable for

The ecological value is regularly checked and confirmed by the renowned SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS.

  • Swiss efficiency since 1951
  • Immediately ready for use
  • Biodegradable > 99.5% in 18 days
  • 500 ml dissolves approximately 25 grams of lime
  • Effective corrosion protection, both diluted and undiluted
  • Free from fragrances, colors and preservatives
  • 5 x faster than citric acid and vinegar

Limescale deposits are formed when tap water is heated. Limescale deposits often cause technical problems and also reduce the lifespan of your equipment. The energy consumption of the device also increases, as the limescale layer on the heating element prevents optimal heat transfer to the water.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is so special about durgol universal bio?

durgol universal bio reliably and gently removes limescale from all household items, with minimal impact on the environment.

durgol universal bio has a biodegradability of >99.5% after 18 days and meets the criteria of "ready biodegradability" according to the OECD301E guideline (tested by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS). In addition, durgol universal biogenic contains unnecessary components such as fragrances, dyes and preservatives. The classification "ready for biodegradation" is the highest level of biodegradation that can be achieved. This is regularly tested and confirmed by the renowned SGS INSTITUTFRESENIUS. The regular checks ensure that the sealed product durgol universalbio permanently complies with the strictly defined test parameters. More information can be found here. www.qualitaetssiegel.net/de/qualitaetssiegel

How does durgol universal differ from durgol universal bio?

Durgol universal has a particularly fast action and a high lime-dissolving capacity. Durgol universal bio also reliably dissolves lime, with minimal impact on the environment. durgol universal bio is >99.5% biodegradable in 18 days and is therefore the more environmentally friendly variant. The ecological added value is regularly tested and confirmed by the renowned SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS. Durgol Universal Bio has a slightly lower lime-dissolving speed than Durgol Universal. However, this difference is hardly noticeable to the user of the product.