
durgol WC Intensive Purple

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durgol WC Intensive Purple

 to use?

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Unfortunately, we currently do not have a manual for this product in combination with this application. If available, you can also follow the instructions in the manufacturer's manual. If you have any questions, please contact durgol.

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General manual durgol WC Intensive Purple

Important instructions:

Not suitable for toilet seats, lids or other acid-sensitive surfaces (e.g. marble). Remove splashes outside the toilet immediately with plenty of water. Do not use together with other cleaning agents.


Press the safety catch together at the marked points and turn it counterclockwise at the same time. Spread Durgol WC all around under the edge of the bowl, let it work for at least 5 minutes, brush again if heavily soiled, then rinse.

Important comments

Contact with acid-sensitive materials should be avoided. Allow the used descaling agent to cool before pouring it out. Rinse with cold water.

Additional information send an email to: or call +31 481 452277 or free 00800 84 8

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