
durgol milk system cleaner

Step 1:

What do you want for?

durgol milk system cleaner

 to use?

Step 1:

What brand is your coffee machine?

Unfortunately, we currently do not have a manual for this product in combination with this application. If available, you can also follow the instructions in the manufacturer's manual. If you have any questions, please contact durgol.

General manual durgol milk system cleaner


We recommend that you clean your machine regularly before a large amount of milk residue has built up - ideally at least every two weeks. This will improve the hygiene of your machine and the quality of your coffee.

Always follow the instructions of your device manufacturer.

Why should I clean the milk system of my coffee machine or my external milk frother
in the first place ?

Milk residue can lead to the development of harmful bacteria. The quality and taste of your coffee will also be affected if your milk comes from a system that has not been cleaned. The lifespan and functionality of your milk system, and therefore your coffee machine, is extended and improved.

We recommend that you clean your machine regularly and before a large amount of milk residue has accumulated - ideally every two weeks. To guarantee the best quality coffee and a long lifespan of your machine, we recommend the durgol milk system cleaner. This keeps the whole milk system clean and hygienic.

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