
durgol forte

Step 1:

What do you want for?

durgol forte

 to use?

Step 1:

What brand is your coffee machine?

Unfortunately, we currently do not have a manual for this product in combination with this application. If available, you can also follow the instructions in the manufacturer's manual. If you have any questions, please contact durgol.

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General manual durgol Forte

Important comments:

durgol forte does not contain corrosion protection and is therefore not suitable for use in combination with metals.
In these cases we recommend durgol universal. Before using durgol forte, read the warnings on the product label carefully. durgol forte is always applied cold. Do not use in combination with other cleaning agents.

Paving stones, garden paths and terraces

Removal of cement laitance, i.e. final cleaning by acid wash as the last step in laying tiles, after the grout has hardened, but also for removing limescale or efflorescence: moisten the tiles and very porous joints well with cold water before starting. Dilute durgol forte in a ratio of 1:3 (durgol/water), apply the solution evenly with a cloth or brush and leave for 5 minutes. Do not allow to dry. Brush the surface thoroughly. Rinse immediately with cold water. Rinse the mop or sponge often during the operation and always use clean water. Repeat the request if necessary. Let it dry completely. Treat large surfaces in sections of max. 4 m2. A 1000 ml bottle of durgol forte is sufficient for an area of ​​approximately 20 to 60 m2, depending on the degree of contamination.

Toilet bowls/urinals

Removal of lime and urine deposits (yellow streaks): Pour approx. 3 dl durgol forte into the bowl/urinal water, leave for as long as necessary, brush and then rinse. In the case of yellow streaks and heavily caked deposits, soak the cloths in durgol forte for up to 30 minutes, then brush and rinse. If necessary, also descale the toilet tank (Note: if the tank is fitted with metal screws, use durgol express instead of durgol forte).

Flower pots / Clay pots

Removing limescale deposits: Moisten the clay pots well with cold tap water. Dilute durgol forte in a ratio of 1:3 (durgol/water). Pour the solution into the pot up to the lime mark and leave for up to 30 minutes. To dissolve external limescale, place the pot in a larger container and proceed as described above. Finally, rinse thoroughly with cold water.