
durgol bathroom cleaner

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durgol bathroom cleaner

 to use?

Step 1:

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Unfortunately, we currently do not have a manual for this product in combination with this application. If available, you can also follow the instructions in the manufacturer's manual. If you have any questions, please contact durgol.

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General durgol bathroom cleaner manual


Spray on durgol bath cleaner, spread over larger surfaces with a sponge if necessary, allow to work for a maximum of 2 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water. Repeat the application in case of more severe calcification. It is not necessary to rub dry.

Important comments

  • Only apply to cold, intact and acid-resistant surfaces.
  • Porous surfaces (e.g. joints) must first be moistened with cold water.
  • Be careful with coatings (e.g. decorations). If in doubt, test on a hidden area.

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