Descale your kettle with durgol universal

When heating tap water, limescale deposits form in all electrical appliances such as

Do you want to extend the lifespan of your kettle?

not use acetic or citric acid products, but durgol universal.

The secret of the perfect filter coffee

Moccamster & durgol banner: The secret of the perfect coffee...

durgol the right solution

Safe, fast and effective descaling

The sustainable choice

The sustainable choice

Arguments against vinegar or citric acid

A diagram showing descaling results of different descaling agents

durgol the best choice

durgol universal bottle

As you have read, the temperature and processing time are very important

Advantages of Durgol over conventional descaling agents

Versatile quick descaler

Thumbs up icon Time icon

Very good and very fast limescale remover

Safety icon

Gentle on the material and not labeled